I saw this morning in Facebook a classmate of mine posted a long status on sexual abuse. The story was intriguing, about how he felt worthless when he failed to protect the one he cared about from sexual abuse, while he was right there holding her hand. He stated that till now he still feel unsafe to walk alone with a woman without looking around every once in a while. I was curious about the way he started the story. He started it with "I cannot say "me too". So I googled it. Apparently it was a movement in twitter, started by an actress, Alyssa Milano, on Sunday. I watched how the hashtag spread around the word here . The magnitude gave me shivers. I sit quiet before my laptop for a while, and think. I have never been raped. As long as I can remember, no one ever touched my private parts without my consent. Does it mean that I have never been (sexually) harassed? No, I am not sure. When I was still in 2nd or 3rd grade, my parents signed me up to this s...