
Showing posts from May, 2012


Dengan kekuatan bulan, aku akan menghukummuuuuu!!!!!

Dad, please?

Jason Mraz will have a concert on June 22nd 2012 at Jakarta. When I read this I was just like oh no no no no I should go I should go I should go. Daddy looked at me curiously as I started to rock like baby on my chair. Dad : What? Me : It's Jason Mraz. Dad : *had a Jason-Mraz-who expression* And then? Me : Yeaaa he has a concert on June 22nd. And I really really wanna see it. Dad : Just go then. We're in Jakarta in that week I supposed. Oh no. We're not. We'll be there on June 25th. Me : *check the ticket price* NOOOOO. I can't afford to buy ittttt. Dad : Why? Me : It's a bit more expensive than when it was in Bali. Dad : How much? Me : The cheapest one is 420, and his last concert in Bali was just 300. Dad : Well..they pay more on security in Jakarta. Me : Ha? Dad : You know, Jakarta is a huge city and one of the most insecure Me : Actually, I don't really care. All I care is.. *i really want to say: buy me the ticket Dad, li...

The Sky

A friend said in her video : people see sky as limit, but for me, sky will be my future holds. And last night...the sky wasn't so clear. The clouds are everywhere. But I can see the moon shone brightly, turning the sky into a pearly ocean. And Venus shone too. And some random stars also peeked from the clouds' gaps. I don't really understand what's going on with me. I just kept starring at the sky and think about how amazing, how pretty, and how wow it was. I thought I just turned into a romantic person ._.

Senja Kemarin Lusa

Senja hari ini tidak begitu cantik. Langit Selatan berwarna biru, langit Barat berwarna kuning, selebihnya ya begitu-begitu saja, seperti senja. Memang menutup sebuah kisah dan membuka tabir baru, kisah malam. Namun tidak istimewa. Hanya sebuah senja. Tidak dengan senja kemarin lusa...

Hi Gal, I Miss You...

Aku nggak pulang tadi malem. Dan beberapa minggu belakangan ini kalau pun pulang aku duduk di meja belajar, ngerjain laporan. Minggu ini laporan agak longgar. Tapi tetep aja aku menghabiskan waktu di meja belajar. UTS sih -__- Tadi tiba-tiba Bapak bilang gini, "Eh Nak, tadi Bapak sms kamu lho. Tapi HP-mu mati ding ya. Sebenernya sms-nya udah daritadi, cuma Bapak nggak tau kalo nggak terkirim." "Hah? Bapak sms ke nomor yg XL? Emang sms apa? Kan Bapak udah tau kalo HP-ku sedang diperbaiki.." "Ya kan Bapak bilang, smsnya udah dari tadi. Cuma baru ngeh aja kalo belum terkirim. Terus tetep Bapak kirim. Tapi HP-nya mati. Jadi nggak bisa terbaca juga deh." "Oh. Emang sms apa?" Setelah itu Bapak ngambil HP, ngutek-ngutek sebentar, buka sent items  terus nunjukkin smsnya. Tau enggak sih, Bapak sms apa? Pendek sih. Tapi...ternyata... Hi gal, I miss u Aku langsung diem. Nyengir, tapi dalem hati terharu. Nah, ini akhirnya netes kan airmatanya....